Exam success at secondary
Outwood Grange Academies Trust celebrated strong A-Level and GCSE results across the trust this summer.
A-Level results
We celebrated record results yet again across almost every academy. Some of the highlights included Worksop Post 16, who achieved an A Level pass rate at A*-B of 52% and Easingwold who achieved a massive improvement with nearly a third of students gaining an A*/A and 56% gaining A*-B.
Destinations were also strong, 80% of Year 13 students have taken up an offer at University, up 7% from 2017, of which 16% have secured places at Russell Group universities and 5 students gained places at Oxbridge.
We had 6% of students take up an apprenticeship, 6% have gone on to gain employment, 3% have gone on to a degree or foundation course with an FE provider with 5% still considering their options or taking planned time out.
GCSE Results
This year saw the further rollout of the new 9-1 grades in yet more GCSEs. As last year, despite this change and the new higher standards, results were exceptionally strong. English had a 4+ pass rate, the new ‘standard pass’, of 83%, and maths 4+ of 77%. Remembering that the attainment on entry to our academies is, on average, significantly lower than that nationally, these are again superb results. At the new 5+ measure, the ‘strong pass’, the results in English and maths were respectively: 70% and 61% which will be well above national pass rates when they are validated. Overall results were very strong too with progress scores in many academies expected to be very high once the data is validated.
A huge well done to all students on their successes #weareogat