Outwood Grange Academies Trust

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Outwood Family Software and Data Team Recognised by The Education Foundation

The Outwood Family Software and Data (S&D) team has been nationally recognised by The Education Foundation in its EdTech 50 Yearbook 2020.

The S&D team was listed as ‘Ones to Note’ in the EdTech 50 Yearbook under the products section, after being nominated by the public.

The Outwood team’s fantastic work on oCloud was praised by the judges. 

The EdTech 50 Yearbook said: “The Software and Data team of OGAT have developed software, (oCloud) that has changed how easily the Trust can track and monitor students, ensuring accurate and timely interventions and reducing staff workload alongside.”

Elliot Bowes, the Outwood Family Director of Software, said:

“We are delighted that our team has been selected as ‘one to note’ by the Edtech 50 judges. It is encouraging that our work in this area has been recognised externally.

“At Outwood, we believe in putting students first, raising standards and transforming lives. To do this, we know we need to keep on improving our approach to teaching and ensuring staff have the best help and support they can in their roles.

“We are constantly reviewing and evaluating our use of technology within the Trust, to find ways to further better the resources available to our staff to keep improving the education our students receive.” 

The Education Foundation was co-founded by Ty Goddard and Ian Fordham in 2011 and is the leading organisation in accelerating and supporting positive change in the British education system.

The EdTech Yearbook is available for download here: http://www.ednfoundation.org/download-edtech-yearbook/