Outwood Grange Academies Trust

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OA Redcar Praised By Ofsted

A secondary school in Redcar has been praised by Ofsted following a recent inspection.

Outwood Academy Redcar, based on Kirkleatham Lane, was rated Good by Ofsted inspectors following an inspection in November, the first the school had undergone since opening in 2017 as part of the Outwood Grange Academies Trust.

In their report, Ofsted inspectors noted that since opening the school’s ‘leaders have rapidly improved the school’ while praising their focus ‘on improving the quality of education for pupils’ and their ‘clear understanding of what the school does well and how it can continue to improve.’

Gemma Trattles, Associate Executive Principal at Outwood who has helped oversee the transformation at Outwood Academy Redcar, said:

“We are delighted that Ofsted has recognised the fantastic improvements we have made at Outwood Academy Redcar.

“At Outwood, we believe in putting students first, raising standards and transforming lives, and the staff have worked tirelessly for this aim. The students have responded exceptionally well to this and have shown a great work ethic and determination to fulfil their potential, both academically and beyond the classroom.

“I’d also like to thank Graham Skidmore, the previous Head of School for his tireless work to help improve the school. We are all grateful for his hard work and wish him well in his new position leading Outwood Academy Acklam.”

In the report following the inspection, Ofsted praised the academy’s work, noting ‘the school gives extra support to pupils who are not yet confident readers’ and stated that those students with special educational needs and/or disabilities are ‘well supported.’

The wider support given to the students was spoken of in glowing terms, with Ofsted saying: “There are good relationships between staff and pupils. Teachers want the best for pupils and they know individual pupils well. They take the time to have positive conversations with pupils and celebrate their achievements. Pupils are positive about the support they receive from learning managers.”

Gemma added:

“We will always do everything we can to help our students. We want to work with them to ensure we are supporting them as best we can while celebrating their achievements. We are proud that Ofsted have recognised our commitment to our students.”

The positive relationship between the staff and students has led to improved behaviour at the school. Initiatives focused on praise and rewards are liked by the students, as the school celebrates what the students have done well. 

Ofsted also noted that ‘the number of pupils excluded from school has dropped significantly over time. Pupils’ attendance is also improving.’

Mark Hassack, Executive Principal at Outwood, said:

“We have worked hard to implement our processes and we are seeing the rewards of this with improved standards. When the academy became part of the Outwood Family, Ofsted believed it required improvement.  We have worked hard to improve and we will continue on our journey to becoming an Outstanding academy.”