Outwood Family Academy Closures

Following the recent announcement by the Secretary of State for Education, all Outwood Family academies will be closed for business as usual temporarily from Friday. However, our academies will remain open for those with an EHCP unless they have an underlying health condition, children in need, those on the child protection register and looked-after children while all of our schools additionally have a vulnerable register. Then we will have children of those parents working in critical sectors.

As a Trust we have been working hard on our emergency plans and developed contingencies to be best prepared for this scenario. 

For more information please visit https://www.outwood.com/school-closure, where you will be able to navigate to either Primary or Secondary home learning sites. When here parents and children will find information on how to use the Home Learning Suite and links to other important information regarding home learning. You will also find links to official NHS guidance on Coronavirus.

We thank all children, parents and carers in the Outwood Family for their patience during this time and we will continue to follow the official guidance and advice, and will provide updates through our social media channels and on our website when needed.


Home Learning Resources Made Available By The Outwood Family


Sport Relief Fun At Outwood Academy Hemsworth