Outwood Academy Freeston Collecting Food For Local Foodbanks

Outwood Academy Freeston is collecting food to donate to local foodbanks after one in the area was recently burgled.

The academy, based on Favell Avenue in Normanton, West Yorkshire, has so far collected all the food from the academy's classrooms, and those which were intended for future enrichment sessions at the academy.

Due to the recent government announcement that UK schools will close on Friday, 20th March, because of the COVID-19 outbreak, the academy is also donating some its catering supplies.

The collection and donation were initiated by the news that the Knottingley foodbank was broken into and its supplies stolen. To avoid closure, the foodbank was urgently appealing for more donations.

Lisa Allott, Principal at Outwood Academy Freeston, said:

“The act of breaking into and stealing from a foodbank is awful at the best of times, but during this time of national crisis it is truly shameful that someone has done this.

“At Outwood we believe in playing an active role in the communities we are proud to serve, and we want to be there to help those who need it most. That is why we are collecting and donating food for our local foodbanks to help anyone and everyone we can.”

The donations will be split between Knottingley and Normanton foodbanks. For more info on how you can help Knottingley foodbank visit: https://knottingley.foodbank.org.uk/give-help/.


Update Statement From Martyn Oliver, CEO


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