Outwood Family Catch Up...Angela Hull

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As part of our new feature, we are talking with members of the Outwood Family and finding out how life has changed for them since the wider reopening of the secondary academies.

This time we chat with Angela Hull, Principal at Outwood Academy Brumby. 

Read on to see how Angela and the team at OA Brumby dealt with the wider reopening of the academy to students.

[Outwood.com] Hi Angela, thanks for taking the time to chat with us. We appreciate you’re busy, so let’s get to it! Things have been turned upside down recently, for reasons we are all too aware of. So, as we begin to enter a new ‘normal’, how were you feeling prior to the academy reopening?

“Hello! Thank you for asking me to take part, it’s great to speak with you. I think like many other principals and teachers out there, I was excited to welcome back out students but also nervous about ensuring everyone's safety. 

“Obviously as a Trust, a lot of work has gone into the planning and preparation for reopening, but as much as we can do there is never going to be any absolute lack of risk, just as in all aspects of life.”

Very true. Your answer echoes that of many others we have spoken too, that mixture of excitement and nervousness. You briefly mentioned the planning and preparation in advance of reopening, what would you say was the most challenging aspect of the process?

“The most challenging aspect was definitely ensuring that all members of our staff and our students felt safe in returning. 

“I was very aware that some staff had not set foot in the academy for several months, as they had been supporting students learning online, and they were nervous about it. However I also knew that they hadn’t witnessed the preparations which had taken place. 

“It was a case of getting things done but also making sure that it was also seen to be done. 

“It was also challenging to make sure we get the most useful targeted support for the year 10s who have missed so much when we cannot provide face to face teaching from the subject specialists.”

Well it definitely seems to be the case that you and team did rise to those challenges, so well done for that. To finish, what were you most surprised by during the wider reopening process?

“Most definitely, it was the reactions from our students. They were very quiet to begin with, understandably, but there was no sense of anyone not feeling safe or being nervous about being in the academy. 

“I was also pleasantly surprised that we had a number of parents contact after the first two days to say that they now wanted their children to come in having previously said they would not be sending them back as they had been reassured by the measures put in place. 

“As always, even though we plan, it always comes as another pleasant surprise when everything works out and goes as smoothly as could be expected in these uncertain times.”

Well that's a lovely, positive note to end this chat on. Thank you very much for your time, Angela.


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