Outwood Family Catch Up Series...Jayne Gaunt

As part of our new feature, we are talking with members of the Outwood Family and finding out how life has changed for them since the wider reopening of the secondary academies.

This time we chat with Jayne Gaunt, Principal at Outwood Academy Danum. 

Read on to see how Jayne and the team at OA Danum dealt with the wider reopening of the academy to students.

[Outwood.com] Hi Jayne, thanks for taking the time to chat with us. We appreciate you’re busy, so let’s get to it! Things have been turned upside down recently, for reasons we are all too aware of. So, as we begin to enter a new ‘normal’, how were you feeling prior to the academy reopening?

“Hello, thanks for asking me to take part, it’s great to speak to you and to answer your question, I was really happy because I felt we were well prepared for a safe return of students and staff. We had spent a great deal of time looking at every detail to ensure school would be a safe place to be. 

“I was also thrilled to be able to support year 10 and 12 students face to face again. It is very daunting for students to know that their GCSEs and A Level exams are approaching.

“To not have the support we usually provide in classrooms was creating extra anxiety and some of our students were finding this very difficult. So it is great to be back, the smiles prove it. “ 

That sounds like a very positive outlook to the process. What would you say was the most challenging aspect of the wider reopening process?

“Quite simply, the planning for opening was a vast task which was challenging and it took three weeks to fully prepare the building to ensure the risk assessment was fully implemented. 

“However this was well worth it  because I believe that the academy is a safe place to be and students, parents, as well as staff have all agreed.”

Well that must have been very rewarding to hear that from parents, students and staff. So to conclude this quick chat, what would you say has surprised you most during this process?

“Not so much a surprise, but what has been brilliant is how positive and enthusiastic everyone is about being back at school. There have been lots and lots of smiles!”

That’s a lovely note to end on. Thank you very much for your time, Jayne.


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