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 Working at Outwood - Sam Green

Hi, I am Samantha Green and I am an Associate Vice Principal at Outwood Academy Riverside, having previously worked at Outwood Academy Ormesby where I’d worked up to Assistant Principal.

What do you find most rewarding about working for Outwood?

Seeing the difference we make. The Outwood vision of Students First is not just a slogan, it really is at the heart of all we do.

However, I don't believe we can put Students First without also doing everything possible to develop the staff to be their very best, and in my time at Outwood I believe this to be true. Staff in Outwood schools work as a team, the schools are a supportive environment which allow for staff to grow, both personally and professionally.

In some schools I have worked at previously, a member of the senior leadership team going into a classroom is seen as a negative reason because there isn't the same supportive culture of SLT being present.

At Outwood though, it is part of students' learning journeys and they enjoy SLT coming into the classroom and joining in with lesson topics and giving out praise.

What is one of the highlights of your time with Outwood?

During the first lockdown in 2020, we decided to set up a foodbank for our families who were struggling. We asked staff to donate food items they had in their cupboards or pick up some extra bits when shopping and the amount of food donations was overwhelming. There were hundreds and hundreds, if not thousands, of items of food brought into school. To be honest, it was quite emotional seeing everyone come together for our community.

Some staff volunteered to pick up items from those who were isolating at home and others also came into school to help pack hampers and deliver them twice weekly.

In total we ran the foodbank for eight weeks, sending over 130 large food hampers to 75 different families. We even had members of the local community, who did not have students at Ormesby, where I was teaching at the time, reach out to ask for help, which of course we were more than happy to do.