Outwood Family Catch Up Series...Rachael Skirrow

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As part of our new feature, we are talking with members of the Outwood Family and finding out how life has changed for them since the wider reopening of the primary academies.

This time we chat with Rachael Skirrow, Principal at Outwood Primary Academy Ledger Lane.

Read on to see how Rachael and the team at OPA Ledger Lane dealt with the wider reopening of the academy to children.

[Outwood.com] Hi Rachael, thanks for taking the time to chat with us. We appreciate you’re busy, so let’s get to it! Things have been turned upside down recently, for reasons we are all too aware of. So, as we begin to enter a new ‘normal’, how were you feeling prior to the academy reopening?

“Hi! It’s great to speak with you. Well, I was looking forward to seeing our children again, and pleased that we were able to open to some year groups. 

“Obviously we were faced with quite a few challenges, so it was a busy and reflective time to ensure that all risk assessments were completed rigorously to ensure accuracy so that all safety measures were put into place and the training of staff was of the highest priority.”

We have heard that from quite a few people. It seems it was a very intense but exciting time as we built up to the wider reopening. What would you say was the most challenging aspect?

“I think the most challenging aspect was the amount of preparation that needed to take place prior to opening to ensure the school was safe to open to children, parents and staff. 

“We had to predict the issues and develop strategies and routines to address these before they happened.”

Which does sound a very challenging task indeed, but one it appears that you and your colleagues expertly met so well done for that. To finish, what would you say has surprised you most since the beginning of June and the wider reopening of the academy?

“I was really impressed with how quickly and well the children adapted to the new routines in school. The children really seem to have loved their new classes and teachers, especially working in much smaller groups, as part of our safety measures.

“For such young children, they have been amazing at adhering to social distancing in the classroom and when lining up.  We are so proud of them!”

What a positive note to end on! Thank you for your time, Rachael.


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Outwood Family Statement