Be part of something that really makes a difference!
Get ready for Out There - the ultimate community action challenge! This summer, teams of students aged 11-18 from across our Family of Schools will devise and launch their own projects to improve their local communities.
With amazing prizes up for grabs, it's a chance to develop vital life skills, unleash your leadership potential, and become a true community champion.
Watch our Out There launch video!
We are looking for your help - whether as a sponsor who can donate financially or contribute to our prize bank; or as a supporter who can donate expertise or facilities; or as an ambassador who can help us to spread the word.
We are collating a bank of community action projects that our children could be involved with. If you have a project that our children could engage in, please complete the form here.
If you are a charity or organisation who is happy for our children to contact you and volunteer their time over the summer, please complete the form here.