Outwood Academy City Fields Recognised For Mental Health Work

A Wakefield-based secondary school has been awarded Silver Status by the Carnegie Centre of Excellence for Mental Health Award.

This award, led by Carnegie School of Education and Minds Ahead CIC, ensures schools are using evidence-based approaches, aligned to the latest professional guidelines surrounding mental health.

The assessment report found that Outwood Academy City Fields has been able to use the framework and content of the award ‘to very good effect to develop their mental health and wellbeing strategies, structures and practices from a strong starting point.’

During its assessment, the Warmfield View-based academy was praised for its work with the wider community. This includes working closely with St Swithuns community centre to support the food bank as well as other joint projects. The academy was also praised for working with ‘a number of outside professional agencies...to ensure optimum support for their pupils.’

Michelle Colledge-Smith, Principal at Outwood Academy City Fields, said:

“We are absolutely thrilled to have been awarded Silver Status. 

“At Outwood we believe in putting students first and this goes beyond just academically. We want to ensure our students are good citizens when they leave us, as well as achieving academically. 

“This is why we strive to ensure their mental health and wellbeing is looked after. We take immense pride in receiving this award and the hard work and determination of the staff, and students, that it recognises.”

Within the assessment report is glowing praise of the academy’s work in the area:

“the senior leadership team are motivated by what they regard as ‘morally right’ in terms of ensuring that staff and pupil well-being and mental health is at the top of their agenda and continues to be so. The school has clear strategies to promote mental health and well-being thereby ensuring sustainability.”

Ruth Whiteside, School Mental Health Award Coach for Carnegie Centre of Excellence for Mental Health, said: "It has been wonderful to see how much support Outwood Academy City Fields gives its pupils and staff. Mental health and well-being is right at the top of their agenda, never more so than now as we move into a new way of working in this pandemic crisis. Congratulations to the team!"

Finally, as we begin the six week holidays, the academy’s transition programme was praised as ‘supportive’ within the report, with it being noted that older students, as well as staff members, ‘often coach and mentor the younger pupils in a variety of creative ways.’

Michelle added:

“Moving schools can be a very stressful and anxious time for many young children and we are conscious of this which is why we work hard to ensure support is there for those children who need it when they join Outwood Academy City Fields.”


Outwood Family Building For The Future


Outwood Academy City Recognised For 'Excelling’ In Mental Health Work