OPA Darfield Thanks Local Community After Opening New Library

A local primary school has thanked its school community after it opened its new library.

Outwood Primary Academy Darfield, based on Snape Hill Road in Darfield, has a library filled with new books thanks to the kind donations from parents and members of the local community. 

The drive for the renovation of the communal space came from the school’s Reading Ambassadors, who wanted a new order of books to excite the children and engage them more in reading and revamp what the library looked like.

Thomas Bower, Head of School at Outwood Primary Academy Darfield, said:

“I am so proud of what our brilliant Reading Ambassadors have achieved. They had a vision and they’ve really delivered, working alongside Mrs Rooney, our fantastic Assistant Principal and English lead.”

The school installed a book donation point in the entrance hall of the school and appealed to the local community for any unwanted books to be donated for the children’s new library. Within a week the book was filled.

Mr Bower added:

“We are so grateful for the tremendous support and generosity shown by our school community. In our wildest dreams we could not have imagined the support our new library would receive and the children have so many new books to now enjoy and get lost in. It really is fantastic to see.”

After the donations were collected, the talented Reading Ambassadors at the school took on the task of organising them and ensuring they were all kept neatly in the school’s library.

Their brilliant work has not gone unnoticed by their school friends, with many speaking positively about the initiative.

Darcie Milner, who is in Year 5, said: “I can’t believe how many new books we have. I can’t wait to read my new book.” While Isobella Rose, in Year 4, said: “I love going into the new space now. It’s so calming and relaxing.” 

Some of the donated books have also been used as part of the school’s Free Book Friday programme. These are books which are not in the school’s reading scheme, but are books the children may still wish to enjoy, and again this has proved very popular. 

Kaja Malkowska, in Year 6, said: “I love getting new books from Free book Friday,” while Sylar Hunter in Year 4, said: “I can’t believe I get to keep this book!”


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