A Brew With…Hayley Rudd

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This time around we sat down with Hayley Rudd from Outwood Academy Bishopsgarth. Hayley talks us through her initial feelings when she joined the Outwood Family, before sharing her favourite and funniest moments with us.

[Outwood.com] Hi Hayley, thanks for meeting with us! Please can you introduce yourself to the readers?

HR: “My pleasure. It’s nice to be asked to take part in this. I’m Hayley Rudd and I’m the SENDCo at Outwood Academy Bishopsgarth.”


“Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities Coordinator.”

And the big one, coffee or tea?

“It’s got to be a tea for me, please. Just a drop of milk and no sugar.”

A solid choice! So when did you join Outwood and what were your initial thoughts?

“Well, I started at Outwood Academy Bishopsgarth in September 2017 and to be honest from my very first day it was apparent how much everyone cares for the students and the immense level of support that is there for students to ensure they succeed.

“I was really struck by the sense of we are all in it together, working hard towards a common goal of raising standards and transforming lives. It was, and still is, lovely to be a part of.”

It is great that you had that feeling when you joined the Outwood Family, and continue to have them! Have you noticed many changes in the last two and a bit years since you’ve been part of Outwood?

“Well there have been many changes, all positive. Probably the biggest is the development of the Inclusion area at Outwood Academy Bishopsgarth, which supports our SEND students. The area includes two specific teaching rooms, with access to computers and laptops, physiotherapy rooms and a hydrotherapy pool. 

“Coupling this, our team has grown just like the confidence the students have in the staff which is something really special. There has always been a positive atmosphere, however the focus and motivation the students have for their learning has increased hugely of the last couple of years.”

It sounds like things are really on an upward trajectory! Is it possible for you to recall a favourite moment then since you joined the academy in 2017?

“There have been a lot of great moments, but during my last year at Outwood Academy Bishopsgarth I became a mentor for a Year 11 student. 

“We developed such a positive bond and it was a pleasure to watch her develop into a thoughtful, mature young lady. My favourite memories are watching her prepare for her Prom and watching her open her GCSE results this August. It was just lovely.”

It sounds it! It’s great that you were able to develop such a strong bond with the student you mentored. So, what’s been your funniest memory since joining the Outwood Family.

“It was during my first month! I was speaking with the Inclusion Administrator in her office and as we went to leave we opened the door and the door handle came off in our hands! It was quite the surprise!

“We tried to gain the attention of the staff outside and rang through to the main office but no one was free! Fortunately, the site staff walked past and we were able to grab their attention and they were able to remove the lock and free us!

“It was funny at the time, and looking back it just gets funnier. Fortunately, the handle has been replaced and as of today, there’s been no more similar incidents!”

Good job the site team were passing! Finally, to finish we like to ask everyone we have a brew with which three people, dead or alive, would you invite for your ultimate dinner party?

“Tricky one! I think I would go with David Attenborough, Leo Di Caprio, and Prince.”


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